Personal Fitness Programming

Our complete personal fitness programs take three factors - your environment, your goals, and your availability - and combine them in a program that provides enjoyment and success.

Specifics will be determined by your current fitness level. We'll also take into account the training equipment available to you. Options can include an entire workout composed of bodyweight exercises, HIIT workouts (High Intensity Interval Training) to olympic-style barbell lifts. Sprints, heavy lifting, and walking - yes, walking - are all part of the fitness spectrum. We'll also make sure to get both inside and outside time  - we need to maintain those Vitamin D levels!

What do you want to achieve?

The first step is determining what your goals are. Be as specific as possible. We can't measure what we don't quantify. While "I want to lose weight" is a goal, how will you know when you've achieved it? After losing two pounds? Well, technically we achieved that goal. But if our goal is "I want to lose 15 pounds", then we will know for sure when that goal has been met because of what the scale will tell us. We'll incorporate benchmarks into your program to track your progress.

What types of activities will be part of the program?

Fitness isn't about who can lift the most weight, row the fastest, or run the farthest. It's about increasing your ability to perform well at a variety of tasks while not causing undue stress on your body. Recovery time is arguably the most important part of any workout regimen, and we're going to make sure you get plenty of it. That said, we're going to work on your mobility, your strength, and both muscular and cardiovascular endurance. If you have a specific sport that you are or want to participate in, we can use that context for your programming.

What kind of time commitment will this take?

The short answer is - not as much as you think. And we're going to make sure the components of your program are manageable for your resources, both time and cost. Most importantly, we want to make it fun and enjoyable. We want you to look forward to your workouts - not dread them. We can fit it into your current schedule, and use whatever equipment that you have available to you.

How will I know when I've succeeded?

You succeed as soon as you start! Fitness is not a static goal - it's a lifestyle that we develop. You will have many short-term goals during this process; body composition, strength measurements, etc., but the long-term goal is to change your life in general to one that lets you feel better, move better, and be better. The best time to start is right now. Contact us for more information.



Personal Fitness Programming

Personal Fitness Programming

Our complete personal fitness programs take three factors - your environment, your goals, and your availability - and combine them in a program that provides enjoyment and success.

Specifics will be determined by your current fitness level. We'll also take into account the training equipment available to you. Options can include an entire workout composed of bodyweight exercises, HIIT workouts (High Intensity Interval Training) to olympic-style barbell lifts. Sprints, heavy lifting, and walking - yes, walking - are all part of the fitness spectrum.